8 Aug 2013

Fatshion Faceoff: Peplum Dress

I have well and truly accepted that I am a peplum whore. I couldn't even tell you how many peplum tops I have in my wardrobe and I'm sure you've noticed how often they appear on my Instagram and blog posts. I adore the cut of them, the tummy skimming layer means I always feel super confident while wearing them. I have several peplum dresses too- but only all quite formal, dressed up or office style ones. So when I saw this cute casual one, I snapped it (and a blue polka dot one!) up straight away!!

Dress: Kmart
Platforms: c/o Big Shoe Zam
Bag: eQuip

How funky are the colours!!! I love that is such a polar opposite to all the other peplum I own. I couldn't resist the bold pink, turquoise and red, its making me long for summer and music festivals! The weather has just changed enough that as long as you are primarily covered up, you don't need a jacket.

Check out all my babes in their funky peplums this week!

Dani from DIY Fatshion
Mouna from Brussels Fatshion
Mhairi from Lilybobombs

Do you wear much peplum??


  1. Looking amazing! Is this a total ground breaking moment where kmart have released something fun and young into their plus size line or is this from the regular section? If so how is the sizing ... I find their straight size 18 very hit and miss.

  2. Such a cute little peplum dress! I really like the print :)

    Away From Blue

  3. You look gorgeous. I still haven't braved a peplum!

  4. Ah, so cute! I love how those shoes look with tights <3


  5. That dress looks adorable on you!

  6. That dress is too cute and I love the bright colors of it! Oh and that mustache rug is too cute! :) I wish I owned a peplum but I've never found one that works with my body, it always looks weird on me, maybe because I have a short torso. But I think they look great on you, hmm hopefully I'll be able to find one that works for me. :)


  7. I NEED that dress! The colours are amazing!

  8. Gorgeous!!! I am such a Kmart addict....how did I miss such a hot dress??!!

  9. Awesome. Love that outfit! And those shoes tops it all. Gorgeous! ♡

    ♡ Mel xoxo


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