I don't think any fashion item is as underrated as the handbag. Ben picks on me about my handbag collection, he doesn't get why I 'need' so many. I have them hanging on (and wedged in between) a big hat stand by my front door, so they are easy to add to an outfit as I'm on the way out. Because I change handbags so much, I often find rogue lip gloss, coins and accessories left over from its last adventure! This particular red fabulousness is my absolute favourite!

How adorable are these shoes?! My sister has the BEST shoe collection! She has turned her linen closet into her shoe cupboard. It's epic. These actually aren't the shoes I had been wearing with this outfit, but when I was snapping these piccys on Rhian's balcony, I saw these little beauties by the door and couldn't resist popping them on as well! ;)
Make sure you check out all the FF babes!
It was a $6 bargain from Crossroads during one of their awesome sales. It's heart shape and patent red colour always makes it a conversation piece. It also big enough to fit my iPad and other goodies for long trips. I actually used it as my work bag for quite a while, it was great for holding my stethoscope and kiddie distraction toys!
Make sure you check out all the FF babes!
Hanna from The Wardrobe Challenge
Dani from DIY Fatshion
Mouna from Brussels Fatshion
Mhairi from Lilybobombs
Love the cheerful red bag! :D Looks so nice with your outfit too :) You know I'm a fan of bags ;)
ReplyDeleteAway From Blue
I love that necklace! Gorgeous :)
ReplyDelete-Chrissy of Crashbeauty.com
Your outfit is too cute and the big red heart bag is too cute! I agree it probably is the most underrated accessory, I always forget to take a picture with the hand bag that i wear in my outfit posts. But yeah I think bags can be so fun, that we have lots of them! hehe Oh and the shoes are super cute! :)
You look fantastic! Love every detail, but especially that gorgeous bag! xx
ReplyDeleteI love handbags and always buying new ones, fast running out of places where to store them - maybe kick a teenager out and use there room to store them lol
ReplyDeleteI have a ridiculous amount of bags, but I love them all!! I'm so jealous of your bag
ReplyDeleteToo freaking adorable! And I LOVE that handbag! My family teases me too for how many purses/bags/clutches I have. But I'm with you. A outfit isn't complete without the right purse to go with it. You are stunning. :)
ReplyDeleteAlso wanted to say I enjoy reading your blog and wish I had more time to read/comment. But I am here and happily following along!
So much cute and I absolutely adore that purse, I am a sucker for anything in the shape of a heart. That button necklace is super cute too.