24 Apr 2012

OOTD: Superhero party!

Last weekend we went to our mate, Colin's superhero-themed 30th birthday party! Now, I really like costume parties. And not just like, oh I really like going to them; but I fully LOVE everything about them (like fully sick, bro). I have an extensive costume wardrobe to rival even the most fan-hard, dress-up loving cosplay addict. Unfortunately this wardrobe of awesomeness is in storage! So making do with what we had lying around the travel bags, Ben and I went as Leopard Lady and Beer- everyone's superhero!

It was a really awesome night filled with so much laughter and in the end, even a bit of karaoke! Ben's costume went down a real treat and considering the amount of gorgeous catwomen sauntering around, I was pretty proud of my individual costume! 

Dress: Torrid 

It's starting to get pretty chilly here at night so my tights are getting a real workout. I love throwing them on under my outfits- they go with pretty much anything! And, when I'm drinking they also stop me getting too accidentally pornographic with my clumsiness!! ;)

Colin's puppy Loki was very fond of my leopard tail! He kept coming out of nowhere and chomping on it!!

What do you guys think about costume parties and dressing up????


  1. Love both your costumes - and the doggy! Cuteness :)


  2. lol this looks like a fun night! love the tail and you look really cute! x

  3. Love the costume. So cute. Especially love the leopard tail. Looks like such a fun night!

  4. Looks like so much fun! The last shot is so cte! You look stunning!

  5. Superhero party - this is so cool, I love your outfit.

    1. Thankyou! It's a bit makeshift but at least it's original! Xx

  6. awesome!!!! looks like a great party. ^^v
    your outfit is simply ROARRR!! =^^= MMxoxo

  7. Really cute outfit and I love Ben's costume too - that's pretty awesome!

    I love dress up parties too, I wish I had more to attend!

    1. He's a pretty cool giant beer! I seriosily live costume parties :) xx

  8. How cute are you! Girl you are always having fun, I'm so jealous! Kiah

    1. Thanks Kiah! I'm excited to meet you at FFFWEEK!

  9. Too cute! I love the idea of a superhero party.

    The dog grabbing your tail is hilarious! Hopefully he didn't do too much damage.

  10. mouhhahahaha awesome the last picture!!
    lovely outfit seems you had a lot of fun

  11. Baaahaha. The photo of the dog chomping your tail! LOVE. Looks great. I love that you guys have dress up parties. I can never convince anyone around here to go all out any more.

    1. Have a costume party!! I'll go all out for you! Xx

  12. Guh! That's amazing! I've only ever been to one fancy dress party, but I seriously want to go to more! It's always been a dream to have a costume party for my birthday, but when I was younger, my Mum would never allow me to! LOVE the last photo, that's hilarious!

    1. Awww no way!! This year will be my first year without a costume party for my birthday in almost 5 years!!! :(


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